Low - review of Dinosaur Act
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Low, "Dinosaur Act" EP

from the Brain Volume III Issue 37, 29 October 2000.

As if Low haven't released enough music this year, Tugbot releases this single of three new songs in the UK this week. "Dinosaur Act" carries the title with a song the group has been performing around the country recently, soon to touch down in Europe. Most definitely the most muscular track on the disc (others might say 'the strongest') the song jumps in louder and more distorted than what the Low sound is used to possessing, but once the vocals begin and song develops, it's clearly nobody else. "Overhead," the middle child is by no means a mediocre track, but clearly rests between the strength of the other two. It's a thunderous Low track where it seems as if the glorious vocal harmony has been yanked from its original music, and dropped in a sea of sounds echoing and building off each other. "Don't Carry it All" ends the disc with one of those Low tunes you can't believe a young group came up with - a song which could easily be destined to become a rock and roll standard for years to come. Once the disc ends however, I can't get this damned song out of my head for the rest of the day. Small but powerful, this is one of my fave singles of the year. - Jon Whitney


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